Risk Management

Please answer the following question and do the Risk Management table. all the details of what i need done are in Risk Management.docx

The purpose of this section is to identify potential risks to the project, and convince the decision-maker(s) that the risks will be managed, so that they will have minimal impact on the project.It also alerts the stakeholder(s) to the most significant risks and what needs to be done to manage and mitigate them. Following the cost-benefit analysis, the next most important item to most senior leadership teams is risk.They want to know what risks will be introduced by the proposed solution and how they can be managed.In well-managed projects a separate “Risk Management Plan” is developed and used throughout the project.For the business case, a summary of the most significant risks is provided along with a completed Risk Matrix.This section will consist of the following:

  • An introduction to the section that explains the approach to managing the project risks and introduces the Risk Matrix.
  • A completed Risk Matrix as shown below. Since the Risk Matrix will be placed in the Appendix, this section should include a brief explanation of the Risk Matrix and make reference to it.
  • A summary that points out the most significant risks and what the stakeholder(s) must do to manage and/or mitigate them.