Sports Law, management homework help


1. How does the burden of proof in a civil case differ from that in a criminal


2. Does criminal law have a place during a sports contest due to the inherent

violent nature of certain sports and the expectations by participants and


3. Why does Canada prosecute illegitimate acts of sports violence far more than

in U.S. jurisdictions?

4. Should ticket scalping laws be repealed altogether in light of extreme

advances in technology?

5. Provide examples of raging parents and overzealous spectators and fans and

how this has led to enactment to Calvin Klein laws.

6. How has the city of Philadelphia become infamous in criminal law as it relates

to sports?

7. Compare and contrast the crimes of hazing, stalking and extortion, and provide examples.

8. Discuss the various incidents throughout the years involving the NCAA and

sports bribery.

9. Provide examples of incidents in sports law related to cruelty to animals.

10. Discuss the constitutional law issues related to stadium pat-downs and how it

relates to criminal law.