Staffing 2.0, assignment help

Below is the outline that I created for class for this project.   Review the outline that I created and make any necessary updated to improve the outline.  

The Interview Process (How to Select the Right Candidate?)

Key Outline 

Determining the Need to Hire a Candidate

  1. Anyone that is involved in the process must understand the need of the business make the right decision for the business

  2. Are the current employees being used to their full capacity

Conduct a Job Analysis

  1. What are the current job function

  2. Are there any functions of the current role that needs to be changed

  3. Review job function with employees that are currently in the role to determine if any additional description should be documented

Job Documentation

  • Document the job specification based on the job analysis review

Salary Review

  • Review salary options based on internal and external compensation for the same job function

Determine How to attract candidates

  1. Time Frame to identify a candidate

  2. Internal vs External Posting

  3. Advertising

Collect & Review Applications

–  Review candidates that determine the best match for review with department managers.

Determine What Type of Interview should be conducted

Interview Questions

  1. -Determine what questions to ask.

  2. What does the candidate know about the job, and the company?

  3. Work experience and education

  4. Review any employment test with the candidate

Sample Questions

  1. Describe a time on any job in which you were faced with stresses which tested your coping skills?

  2. Give an example of a time in which you had to be relatively quick in coming to a decision?

  3. Describe a job experience in which you had to speak up to be sure that other people knew what you thought or felt.

  4. Give me an example of a specific occasion in which you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree.

  5. Describe the most creative work-related project which you have carried out.

  6. What did you do in your last job to contribute toward a teamwork environment?

  7. What ways have you found to make your job easier or more rewarding?

Selection Process


30, 60 & 90 Day Review

Directions . 

– Make updates to the outline that could add benefit you outline .

– Create a power point presentation with at least 4-5 slides in length with at least 200 words of speaker notes per slide, addressing the following questions.  The last slide should include references. 

  • How does the HR department support the organization’s competitiveness by maintaining a highly skilled and motivated workforce through training and development?
  • Discuss the tactics that companies can use to ensure that they retain highly qualified employees through no-cost and low-cost compensation, training, and development.
  • From your prior knowledge, experiences, and learning, discuss at least 2 strategic changes that you would recommend to your current company or industry to improve its training and development to retain its best employees.