Student Readiness Orientation

  • What tips or tools have you found to be most helpful so far? (Navigating and the use of Blackboard, and understanding the difference between Popular, Scholarly and Peer Reviewed Articles )
  • What changes will you make to accommodate the 20-hours-plus per week that you will need to dedicate to classwork? (I came up with Time Management, but you can come up with some other things)
  • What suggestions do you have for improvement of the Student Readiness Orientation? ( A module that is specific to your degree program)
  • Do you have any unanswered questions or concerns about beginning your first course? If so, please list them so we can get answers for you. ( I don’t have any)

Your paper should contain at least 3 pages of content, not counting the APA-formatted title page or reference list. An abstract is not required for this paper. (SO A TOTAL OF 5 Pages)

At least four different sources should be cited in in-text citations within the paper.

1. The Influence of
Time Management
Skill on the Curvilinear Relationship Between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Task Performance

Rapp, Adam A. ; Bachrach, Daniel G. ; Rapp, Tammy L. ; Kozlowski, Steve W. J. (editor)

Journal of Applied Psychology, 2013, Vol.98(4), pp.668-677

2. Busy Doing What? An Effective
Time Management
Strategy for Writers on the Go.(What Is Your Guess?)(Report)

Colon – Franco, Jessica M. ; Korpi – Steiner, Nichole

Clinical Chemistry, Dec, 2017, Vol.63(12), p.1910(2)

3. Time Management in the Busy Professional Environment: Take That First Step

Andrade, Francisco H.

Gastroenterology, July 2013, Vol.145(1), pp.36-38

4. It’s About
Time: New Perspectives and Insights on
Time Management

Aeon, Brad ; Aguinis, Herman

The Academy of Management Perspectives, Nov 1, 2017, Vol.31(4), p.309