The Orgins Of World War 1 History Search Paper Help

Although you will have the opportunity in class to discuss many of these topics, you are to give written opinions regarding the issue that interests you most from the following three sets of chapters. The student is thus required to write three separate, four-page “position papers” during the semester, treating a single topic per paper. The respective papers are as follows: I. Topic chosen from among chapters 1, 2, 3 or 4

Topic is Chapter 2 The Orgins of World War 1

The general procedure for each paper, regardless of the topic of choice, is similar. After selecting a chapter in An Age of Conflict, carefully re-read the arguments each of the excerpted writers has made and analyze them for weakness or bias. In the paper itself, you are to summarize and assess these arguments and then offer your own “position” on the historical problem under consideration. You may agree with one of the historians, find common ground with several of them, or freely disagree with them and offer an original interpretation. Whatever you decide, it is critical that you fully explain your position and present evidence to support your conclusion.

The text of each paper must be at leastfour pagesin length (about 1,000 words). The paper must be double-spaced, unjustified, and in a clearly legible, ordinary 12-point font. Each page also must have reasonable top and bottom margins no greater than 1 inch and side margins which do not exceed 1.25 inches