This is not a paper there isn’t a word count. Book is Hero Of Our Time Lermontov Part 2  pages 70-157 Analysis and Group Discussion Prompt: Analyze the values and world views concerning the Eurasian frontier in the Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time,


This is not a paper there isn’t a word count. Book is Hero Of Our Time Lermontov Part 2  pages 70-157

Analysis and Group Discussion Prompt: Analyze the values and world views concerning the Eurasian frontier in the Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time,

o Identify the roles of geography and the natural environment in shaping moral decisions

o Discuss the author’s representations of fate and inner (personal) peace

o Explain the notion of heroism on the Eurasian frontier in the mid-19th century presented in the story

The 3 above bullet points must be answered Respond to all parts of the assigned “Analysis and Group Discussions Prompts (questions)” (The  prompts/questions may be found in the  Course Schedule(s), Content area and Discussion area

  1. Answer every part of the prompt(s)/question(s) with a complete paragraph. Complete paragraphs should include a topic sentence at least four supporting sentences.
  2. Write in complete, grammatically correct paragraphs and  sentences.
    • DO NOT post simple lists or bullet points.
  3. Support your ideas with direct references to the text analyzed using parenthetical notation. For example – “Odysseus      earned his reputation as a god after he blinded the Cyclops (Homer, 67).  Every response paragraph should include  at least two (2) direct references to the text
    • I urge you to include multiple references in a single  sentence when applicable. For example – “In the Odyssey, Homer       repeatedly presented Odysseus as courageous (24, 29, 156, 173, and 241).”

The post This is not a paper there isn’t a word count. Book is Hero Of Our Time Lermontov Part 2  pages 70-157 Analysis and Group Discussion Prompt: Analyze the values and world views concerning the Eurasian frontier in the Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time, appeared first on top grade professors.


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