Women & Children Rights Issue In Iraq

  • Be especially specific, impactful, and insightful.
  • Will “paint” a picture of the place, issues, and solutions.
  • Will be crystal clear with no need to double-back when reading to understand what’s being said.
  • Will be at least 2 pages long.

on your MLA-formatted essay template that considers a specific problem in the place you are from and what might be done about it given the assets or wonderful things about that place.

We’ll continue our work this week by writing a short piece about a problem we see in the place we’re from and by thinking of a way or ways we and/or our community can address it. For this assignment, we should look within ourselves and our own experiences to identify something that actually matters to us. The heat and energy from this will fuel the writing process.

Problems : ” women and children don’t have rights.” in iraq