Working Bibliography, management homework help

Hello, please see the below:

  1. Develop your “Working Bibliography” according to the information contained in the Applied HR Management Capstone Project Outline.docx, as guided by the Sample Working Bibliography.docx file.
  2. Each bibliography should be 300 words max and should include: (a) complete APA reference; (b) block indent abstract (article or report), summarized introduction or description (book), and (c) a brief paragraph identifying how the article will support your capstone project, with varied inclusions that will be supportive of the Capstone Project, such as: direct quotes, theories, concepts or practices; a biblical reference; name and page number of a bulleted listing, table, or other illustration. See Sample Working Bibliography.docx.
  3. Before submitting the assignment, thoroughly edit the paper. Checkmark the instructions and the rubric for this workshop document to be sure your paper has met all requirements.

bibliography sources to write about

Benson, J. & Brown, M. (2011). Generations at work: Are there differences and do they matter? International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Cogin, J. (2012). Are generational differences in work values fact or fiction? Multi-country evidence and implications. International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Cain, H. K. R. (2012). Motivating generations in the workplace: A look at hope and organizational commitment. Gainesville, Fla.: University of Florida.