write a response

after watching this video, then write a response about the Symposium about 600-700 words .


  • Eight paragraph minimum
    • All paragraphs must be visible
    • Three to five sentences per paragraph
    • Complete and coherent sentences
    • Check for grammar, spelling, etc.
  • Four different hyperlinks – credible sources only
    • All links must be relative to the event topic
      • No random sources
      • No blogs, unless the speaker discusses
      • No videos, unless the speaker discusses
    • Insert each hyperlink in a different paragraph
    • Do not include hyperlinks to the university press release or flyer
    • If linking an image, only is acceptable

    ~write a 200-300 words about summary of the speech

  • · · Summary: List main ideas, key features, examples and evidence the presenter may provide
    o Identify the presenter and topic
    o Indicate the main ideas
    o Paraphrase main ideas; quote sparingly, use key words, phrases, and sentences
    o Include attributive tags
    o Avoid summarizing specific examples or data
    o Be objective