This assignment entails the completion of the following tasks:
- You will draft an Employment Agreement based upon further instructions provided.
- You will compose a paper (not less than one page but no more than two pages) explaining how your Employment Agreement satisfies all of the elements of a valid, enforceable contract and the jurisdiction’s law governing covenants not to compete. Further instructions are provided below.
- You must submit to me, by 11:59p.m. on Sunday, April 9, the Employment Agreement and paper via Blackboard. PLEAS NOTE: You must attach both the Agreement and paper in the one submission. Blackboard allows you to attach multiple documents in a submission.
You are an employer who has conducted interviews for an open position within your company. You are ready to extend an offer to one of the interviewees, but first you need to compose an Employment Agreement. You are very concerned with the state of the economy at the present time, and do not want to enter into any long-term contracts with any of your employees. On the other hand, you do not want to invest the time and money it takes to train a new employee, and then have that employee leave your company in a year and go to work for one of your competitors.
- The Employment Agreement must contain the following provisions:
- Name and address of the Employer (You must choose between Alabama or Florida as the applicable jurisdiction and location of the business)
- Name and address of the Employee
- Description of the company
- Description of the job (you determine what type of job the agreement will cover)
- Salary and other benefits
- Duration of the employment agreement
- Covenant not to compete
- Any other provisions you feel are necessary
- Signatures space and the date of the Agreement
The format for the Employment Agreement should be straightforward and concise. Use language that is clear—in other words, do not use a lot of “legalese” that most people will not understand. It is prohibited for you to copy an existing employment agreement. You must write the agreement in your own words. The Agreement should be no more than two pages, typed, double-spaced in Times New Roman font.