ERAU M6 Emerging Trends In Logistics & Lean Supply Chain Management

prepare an 8 -10 page report due in Module 6 by reviewing and referencing a minimum of 10 current peer-reviewed journal articles written in the last five years on:

  • Lean Supply Chain Management

Please include only articles published within the last 5 years for currency.

The report will be evaluated based on the following criteria in conjunction with the evaluation rubric:

  • Quality and depth of content by demonstrating the understanding of the topic including its need, benefits, implementation challenges, real world examples, and best practices.
  • Organization of the report.
  • Overall format, i.e., typed, use of page numbers, title page, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, appropriate labels on figures and tables, etc.
  • Use of correct grammar and evidence of proofing (i.e., no spelling errors); overall formatting (i.e., Times New Roman font, 12-pt, double-spaced); and meeting total page requirements.
  • Variety and documentation of references used. Format for citations and references must follow current APA format. (Links to an external site.)