Here is Module 3 SLP:
Module 3 – SLP
Optimizing Inventory/Transportation
SLP 3 – Transportation in the Supply Chain
In this SLP you will identify where the major transportation modes are used in the EESC from SLP3: rail, inland water, ocean steamer, and/or OTR.
There are five basic transportation modes: rail, inland water ways, ocean, over-the-road, and air. We will not be concerned about air transport in this SLP as it is the least used and most expensive in general supply chain transportation.
Review and read these resources on these three transportation modes: rail, inland water, and OTR. Ocean is not included in these readings since it is mainly used for importing and exporting. This will be covered in more detail in LOG502. But you are asked to identify where ocean transport is used, but not in detail.
Session Long Project
Review the EESC from SLP2. Identify in the EESC where each of the four modes of transportation are used: rail, inland water, ocean, and OTR. You can use topic headings for each mode. Identify the materials being transported from which industry to which industry. Discuss why this mode is being used and what the costs are on a per ton-mile basis.
SLP Assignment Expectations
The paper should include:
- Background: Briefly review and discuss the targeted product, company, and industry
- Diagram: Include the diagram of the EESC
- Transportation Discussion: Discuss each of the four transportation modes (rail, inland water, ocean, OTR) in the EESC and where each one is used. Discuss why this mode is used and the costs of using.
- Clarity and Organization: The paper should be well organized and clearly discuss the various topics and issues in depth and breadth.
- Use of references and citations: at least six (6) proper references should be used correctly, cited in the text, and listed in the references using proper APA format.
- Length: The paper should be three to four pages – the body of the paper excluding title page and references page.
NOTE: You can use the transportation resources. You should also do independent research and find at least two additional appropriate references, for a total of at least six.
SLP 3 Resources – Modes of Transportation
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (2010). The U.S. Waterway System, Transportation Facts & Information; Navigation Center, retrieved from
American Society of Civil Engineers. Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, retrieved from ; Inland Waterways Transportation, retrieved from
Texas Transportation Institute. (2009). A Modal Comparison Of Domestic Freight Transportation Effects On The General Public, retrieved from
Railroads 2002 Data: Overview of U.S. Freight Railroads, retrieved from
American Association of Railroads. (
American Association of Railroads. Railroad statistics, retrieved from
American Association of Railroads. (2015). Today’s railroads. Retrieved from
Over the Road Trucking (OTR)
American Trucking Association (2015). Retrieved from About Trucking Companies, retrieved from
All Modes – Provides Cost Comparisons by Mode and Other Comparisons
Center for Climate & Energy Solutions. Freight Transportation Comparison, retrieved from