Gaming addiction Essay

First essays

Using the Summary-Response format illustrated on page 95-96 in our textbook, review at least four of your sources for your Essay Group 1, which will include both your Wikipedia-style entry AND your Personal Position Essay. You will be expected to use these sources in both assignments, and this assignments serves as a place for you to evaluate those sources, make notes, and get your thoughts organized before you embark on these further assignments.

Second essays

Exploratory Analysis, Draft 1

For this project, you need to prepare a Wikipedia-type entry for your issue. In your first section, focus on the general background information, including key definitions, the history, and issues and your reader needs to understand your issue. Then present the differing points of view that surround your issue, along with quotes from individuals that hold those positions. You may include infographs and visual elements to help your reader understand your issue.

Successful projects will have at least 1500 words of text with supporting visuals if necessary. Feel free to format this as a web page, only your work must be saved in a .docx format for submission. All sources must be cited using an accepted academic style (MLA, APA, or Chicago) and submissions MUST include a Work Cited page (not included in word count).